Depending on your Sensei, you will hear varying amounts of Japanese when training, usually paired with explanations or demonstrations of the techniques being referred to. Students will find that they quickly learn the terminology most commonly used.
Numbers & counting
You will find it beneficial to learn to count to 10 in Japanese. Numbers will be encountered in "kata" names, names of techniques, student/instructors ranks and when counting exercise repetitions, etc.
Pronunciation: "A" is like in "​afternoon"; "U" is like in "sumo"; "R" is pronounced more like an "L".
1 = ICHI (like "itchy")
2 = NI (like "knee")
3 = SAN (like "sun")
4 = SHI / YON (like "she")
5 = GO (like in the name "Gordon")
6 = ROKU (like "lock" and "sumo")
7 = SHICHI / NANA (like in "shin" and "chin")
8 = HACHI (like in "hut" and "chin")
9 = KYU (like "queue")
10 = JYU (like in "June")
20 = NIJYU (like "knee" and "June")
50 = GOJYU (like in "Gordon" and "June")
When counting, you use the word, "SHI" for 4 and "SHICHI" for 7. The alternative forms, "YON" and "NANA", are used in most other instances such as for kata names and grades, e.g. the kata name "Heian-​yon​dan" and grade "​nana​-kyu" for 7th Kyu.
Terminology by grade
The following terminology have been listed according to the order in which you will start hearing them. You will see that there are many at the outset, however these actually form the main part of the terms used in karate even as you progress to higher ranks. There should be no anxiety to learn these by rote, as your instructor will usually remind when demonstrating the technique or action. Students wanting to get ahead may use this section to help learn and test their knowledge. Names of advanced techniques shown ​in blue​ are not expected to be memorised though students will find that they will gradually become familiar with them in time. A full alphabetical glossary listing of all terminology can be found at the bottom of this page.
10th Kyu White Belt
SENSEI, Instructor / teacher
SENPAI, Senior (student)
"OSS!", said in respectful greeting or acknowledgement
"REI", bow
"SENSEI NI REI!", "bow to the (lead) instructor!"
"YOI", "get ready!", get into yoi stance, uchi-hachiji-dachi
"HAJIME", "begin!"
"YAME", "stop!"
"MAWATTE", "turn around"
GERI, kick
ZUKI, punch
UKE, block
UCHI-HACHIJI-DACHI, "ready" stance, same as yoi-dachi
SHIZENTAI, resting stance, hachiji-dachi
ZENKUTSU-DACHI, front stance
KOKUTSU-DACHI, back stance
KIBA-DACHI, horse-riding stance
OI-ZUKI CHUDAN, lunge punch to the body
OI-ZUKI JODAN, lunge punch to the head
GYAKU-ZUKI CHUDAN, reverse punch to the body
GYAKU-ZUKI JODAN, reverse punch to the head
AGE-UKE, upper rising block
SOTO-UKE, outside block
UCHI-UKE, inside block
GEDAN-BARAI, lower sweeping block
SHUTO-UKE, knife hand block
MAE-GERI CHUDAN, front kick to the body
MAE-GERI JODAN, front kick to the head
YOKO-GERI-KEAGE, side snap kick
GOHON-KUMITE, 5 step sparring
9th Kyu Orange Belt
YOKO-GERI-KEKOMI, side thrust kick​
TETSUI-OTOSHI-UKE, dropping hammerfist
8th Kyu Red Belt
MOROTE-UKE, reinforced inside block
NUKITE, spear hand strike
TETSUI, hammer-fist strike
URAKEN, backfist strike
KOSHI-GAMAE, fists together on hip ('cup & saucer')
IPPON-KUMITE, one step sparring
7th Kyu Yellow Belt
KOSA-UKE, double arm block​ to the front
ENPI, elbow strike / block
SANBON-ZUKI, triple punch
CHOKU-ZUKI, straight punch (same side as leading leg without moving forward)
MAWASHI-GERI, roundhouse kick
REN-GERI, 2-step alternate leg kicking
KIZAMI​-GERI, front kick with leading leg
​HIJI-ATE, elbow strike/block (same as "enpi")
HAIWAN-UKE, back of arm double block
​SHUTO, knife hand strike
AGE-EMPI, rising elbow strike
UDE-BARAI, sweeping forearm block
GEDAN-JUJI-UKE, lower cross block
SHUTO-JUJI-UCHI, knife hand cross strike
6th Kyu Green Belt
KIZAMI-ZUKI, jab or snap punch to the head
HIZA-GERI, knee kick
USHIRO-GERI, back kick
TEISHO-BARAI, low palm block
KAKIWAKE-UKE, double wedge block
5th Kyu Purple Belt
KOSA-DACHI, cross-legged stance
OSAE-UKE, palm block
KAISHO-JUJI-UKE, open palm cross block
KAGI-ZUKI, hook punch
TATE-SHUTO-UKE, ridge hand block
MIKAZUKI-GERI, crescent kick
HAISHU-UKE, back hand block
​GEDAN-SHUTO-UCHI, lower knife hand strike
MANJI-GAMAE / MANJI-UKE, double arm block to the sides
4th Kyu Purple White stripe Belt
JIYU-IPPON-KUMITE, semi-free sparring​
JIYU-KUMITE, free-sparring (freestyle)
NAGASHI-UKE, sweeping block
URA-ZUKI, close punch
NAMI-ASHI, inside leg block
SOKUMEN-UKE, side block
Terminology - Alphabetical
AGE UKE , upper rising block
AGE ZUKI (TSUKI), rising punch. Seen in the kata Enpi
ASHI BARAI, foot/leg sweep
BUDO, martial arts
BUNKAI, an analysis of the techniques and application of kata
BUSHIDO, way of the warrior
CHUDAN, mid body level
CHOKU ZUKI, straight punch
CHUSOKU, ball of the foot
DOJO, place of the way, the place where martial art is practised
EMBUSEN , performance line of a given kata
ENPI, elbow
ENPI UCHI, elbow strike also called hiji ate
GEDAN BARAI, lower level sweep
GEDAN, lower section of body
GEDAN ZUKI, a punch to the lower section
GERI /KERI, kick.
GOHON KUMITE, five steps basic sparring.
GYAKU ZUKI, reverse punch
HACHIJI DACHI, open leg stance. The feet are positioned about one shoulder width apart and pointed outwards at 45 degrees
HAJIME, begin!
HANGETSU DACHI, half-moon stance
HARA, abdomen
HEIKO DACHI, feet parallel stance (shoulder width apart
HEISOKU DACHI, feet together attention stance
HIDARI, left (left side)
HIKITE, pulling back your fist or palm back tight against your hip
HOMBU DOJO, the main or central dojo
IPPON KUMITE, basic one-step sparring
JIYU IPPON KUMITE, one step free sparring. The participants can attack with any technique, whenever ready
JIYU KUMITE, free sparring
JODAN UKE, same as 'age-uke'
JODAN, upper level, neck and above
JUJI UKE, X-block
KAGI ZUKI, hook punch
KAKE GERI, hook kick
KAMAETE!, command to get into stance/position
KARATE-DO, Way of Karate, not only the physical aspect of karate
KARATE-KA, a practitioner of karate
KEAGE, kick up, snapping kick
KEKOMI, thrust kick (literally, kick into/straight)
TETSUI UCHI , hammer fist strike
KIAI, spirit focus a focusing yell
KIBA DACHI, horse riding stance, side stance
KIHON, fundamental, basic techniques
KIME , focus of power, decisive technique
KIZAMI ZUKI, jabbing punch
KOKUTSU DACHI, back stance
KOSA DACHI, crossed leg stance
KOSA UKE, crossed block to the front
KUMITE, sparring
MAE GERI, front kick
MA-AI, combat distance from your opponent
MAWASHI GERI, roundhouse kick
MAWATTE, turn! A command given to turn around
MIGI, right (right side)
MIKAZUKI GERI, crescent kick
MOGORE, without count (when performing kata)
MOKUSO, meditation
MOROTE UKE, assisted block. One arm and fist supports the other arm
MOROTE ZUKI / AWASE ZUKI, U-punch, punching with both fists simultaneously
MUSUBI DACHI, attention stance, heels placed together, each foot turned out 45 degrees
NEKO-ASHI DACHI, cat's foot stance, or as commonly called, "cat stance"
NUKITE, spear hand, straight thrust
OI ZUKI, lunge punch
OTOSHI ENPI, dropping elbow strike
REI, bow
REN GERI, consecutive alternate leg kicking
RITSU REI, standing bow
SANBON KUMITE, three step sparring
SANBON ZUKI, A series of three punches
SANCHIN DACHI, hour-glass stance
SEIKEN, the strong knuckles of the index finger and the middle finger
SEN NO SEN , attacking at the exact moment when the opponent attacks
SEN SEN NO SEN, attacking before the opponent attacks – pre-emptive attack
SHIHON NUKITE, four finger strike
SHIKO DACHI, sumo stance
SHITA ZUKI, inverted fist punch to the belly
SHIZEN DACHI, natural stance, body relaxed but alert
SHUTO UCHI , knife hand strike
SHUTO UKE, knife-hand block
SOKUTO, the 'sword' or outside edge of the foot
​SOTO UKE, outside block, normally a shortened version of soto ude uke
TATE ZUKI, upright fist punch
TETSUI UCHI hammer fist strike
UCHI HACHIJI DACHI / YOI DACHI, ready stance, feet shoulder width apart slightly turned inward.
UCHI UKE, inside block
​URAKEN, back knuckle; back-fist
URAKEN UCHI, back fist strike
URAKEN UKE, back fist block
​USHIRO GERI, back kick
USHIRO MAWASHI GERI, spinning hook kick
YAMA ZUKI, mountain punch
YAME!, stop! cease!
YOI, ready
YOKO EMPI UCHI, side elbow strike
YOKO GERI KEAGE, side snap kick.
YOKO GERI KEKOMI, side thrust kick
YORI ASHI, sliding the feet forward by pushing with back foot, moving both feet at the same time.
ZANSHIN, remaining in a balanced and aware state after a technique has been completed
ZENKUTSU DACHI, front stance. The actual translation means front knee bent stance
ZUKI / TSUKI, punching